Name, callsign, mailing address of applicant
Email address of applicant:
Provide/confirm the mailing address of the team leader so that INDEXA can send the support check and the INDEXA banner to the appropriate address.
Which DXCC entity is the destination of this DXpedition?
What is the ranking of this DXCC entity in Club Log's current DXCC Most Wanted List (No Mode Filter, All bands, Use Global log, Present day). Remember to review our current support policy above.
What are the dates of the operation?
How many days will the DXpedition be making contacts?
Please list your DXpedition website if applicable.
Has operating permission been granted? You may be asked to document your response.
Is landing permission required and if so has it been granted? You may be asked to document your response.
Please provide rigs and antennas to be used, operating plans (including specifics on bands and modes of operation), and any other information that you think would assist INDEXA in its decision-making process.
Provide the DXpedition budget and include the amount that the operators will individually contribute. Do NOT include any personal expenditures to/ from the point of embarkation.
Will you ask INDEXA to provide funding for humanitarian activities as described in our Humanitarian Aid web page?
If INDEXA provides additional funding for humanitarian activities will the DXpedition provide written documentation showing how these funds were used? This should be an article suitable for publication with pictures if appropriate.
INDEXA believes that funds contributed to a DXpedition should be used only for that purpose. If there is a surplus of funds after a DXpedition is completed, a refund should be made, using some logical approach, to help offset the personal expenses incurred by individual team members and/or returned to the major sponsors. INDEXA is not concerned how the refunds are made, but does believe that any excess funds should not be held by the organizers for other purposes or projects. Do you agree?
Provide a list of team members and include their prior DXpedition/Contesting experience
Are any of the team members younger than 35 years of age?
If your answer above is "Yes," please list the youth member(s) participating on this DXpedition with their name, call sign, age and license class.
Additional consideration is given to the applications from INDEXA members. How many of your DXpedition team members are members of INDEXA? Please identify them by callsign.
Will you make a recommendation to all your team members that they join INDEXA?
Provide the callsign and address of the QSL manager
Will you print the INDEXA logo on all QSL cards?
INDEXA believes that DXers should be able to request a QSL card from the DXpedition’s QSL Manager via direct mail for a reasonable cost.
INDEXA is aware that OQRS is a fee-based service provided to the DXer. We believe a reasonable charge for this service by the DXpedition is warranted, regardless of the QSL/LoTW options offered.
INDEXA believes that DXers should have an option to receive a paper QSL card through the QSL Bureau system. INDEXA recommends that a QSL can be requested either by sending a QSL to the QSL Manager via the bureau system OR by using a bureau OQRS (free or reasonably fee-based).
INDEXA will review all DXpedition QSL policies before approving support.
Please describe your DXpedition's QSL policy.
Would you agree to upload your DXpedition logs to LoTW within approximately one year after the DXpedition ?
Do you agree to include INDEXA membership application (“stuffers”) in all direct QSL replies?
Provide an estimate of the number of INDEXA “stuffers” needed.
Do you agree to display the INDEXA banner and provide photographs showing the operators at the DXpedition site and with the INDEXA banner in full view? If INDEXA provides shirts will you also provide a team photo with the team wearing the shirts and holding the banner?
Will you provide a three to four page single-spaced written report, including some captioned photographs, for publication in the INDEXA newsletter? (INDEXA's editor can provide, on request, suggested guidelines for content and layout that will make your job easier.) We also ask that the article be provided in a timely manner and prior to submitting similar articles to magazines, newsletters, or organizations who have not contributed financially to the DXpedition.
Will you provide a link to the INDEXA Web site ( on the DXpedition Web site?
Good operating practices and operating ethics are required for INDEXA support. Will you request that your team members review the booklet “DXpeditioning Basics” written by Wayne Mills, N7NG? Wayne is a former INDEXA officer and ARRL official. Check the INDEXA web site at to see the entire booklet.
Do you agree that INDEXA, its board members, officers, and members, shall have no responsibility for and no liability arising from any activity that results from the funding of this application? Do you also agree to indemnify and hold harmless INDEXA, its board members, officers, and members, for any claims arising from such activity?
An explanation for answering "NO" to any of the above questions is required.